
Stick a spork in us... WE'RE DONE!

I had a great year and I hope all of you did as well.  I can't believe that all of you will be my last group of students!  However, I am very excited to step into the role of Winecoff's Technology Facilitator (I even get my own office).  I hope you all have a wonderful summer and please come back and visit me next year, I'll be next to the computer lab instead of in a classroom.  Read this summer, have fun, and keep me up to date on all you do.  E-mail me at tgwynn@cabarrus.k12.nc.us and I promise I will email you back.  I also will update this site over the summer to keep you in on my adventures.  Enjoy the break!

The newest members of Mr. Gwynn's Alumni Association.
(I don't have a picture of Block 1 and 2)

He was... TROGDOR!

Because I know you love it...

©2005-2008 Mr. Timothy Gwynn
Winecoff Elementary School